Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Project Link
Heres the link to the project we have been working on...enjoy:)

Actual Gantt Chart

Earlier I posted a Gantt Chart of the desired plan of the project, here is the new outline of how the project progressed over the alotted time.

Constraints of the Multimedia System

Financial Constraints - There were no financial constraints as we used programs that are free such as which is a free hosting website.

Skill constraints - Some skill constaints include members not being familiar with the website and how to operate it. This means they have to learn either by experimenting or reading the manual.

Ethical Constraints -Copyright, Integrity of Original Source Data there are more in the "Issues" Page of the Mulitimedia system.

Social Constraints - Personal Information about individuals are kept private if shared within the website. (E.g. If people place queries, join in on the forums, "contact us" page and provide there personal details, we must not share there personal details. )

Technological Constraints - Some technological constraints are the limited hardware we have at school and some of the programs that are used for this assignment. This includes the free webs program.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Before building this website, we had to plan on how we would present the information. We researched different websites and how they presented their work to get inspiration for our own website. In order to build our website we also used surveys and group interviews on what appealed most to a viewer when looking at a website.

Survey and Interview Q's included:

What appeals most to you in a website?

Common Answers: colour, images, videos

What is the best way for information to be presented?

Common Answers: Images, Diagrams, Information should be summarised so it is easier to memorise, find another way to present the information for e.g instead of putting blocks of information put it into a powerpoint, it just gives it more originality

Would you find it beneficial if there are review questions after the website, to test your knowledge and would you answer them?

Common Answers: Yes definitely, not really, Yes but I wouldn't really sit down and answer them I probably would just answer the questions in my head and compare them to the answers provided.

We found that the group interview combined with the survey provided the most results. The interview was very useful as it had that interaction between the group where the survey provided the anonymity of answers therefore most likely to be honest.

Gantt Chart

This is our anticipated progress in building this system. I will upload later the actual duration of the progress.

Presentation & Problem Definition

We have chosen to present the project as a website using

Webs is a site builder that helps to make a free website

Problem Definition:This site is a multimedia information system about multimedia. It will assist students in the IPT course studying the Multimedia topic. This site is basically an online textbook of the Information Processes and Technology- HSC course by Peter Ware.


This is a copy of the Syllabus for the Multimedia Topic provided by the Board of Studies